I have so many interests, and I'll usually try anything once, so my posts aren't focused, they aren't subject specific, they're just here for anyone to read and hopefully someone, sometime, will find something that piques their interest, encourages them, lends information, makes them laugh, awakens a hidden passion, or...just helps them get through their boring day at work. :o) Have fun!

A few of my favorites from across the web:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sporadic Blogger

That's me! So extremely sporadic, and I don't mind. :) I don't like feeling like my blog is something I HAVE to do. Then it would just get shelved on the list of things that I ignore just for spite. haha!
But, I was inspired to make a post, because we are cutting waaay back on our grocery budget in order to help with finances and so that we can be at peace doing what God wants us to do, following His path for us, and still not making any stupid financial decisions.
I've tried several things over this past year that we've lived here in Florida to make money including ChaCha advisor (<-----BOOO!!!! Don't EVER do this!!!) waiting tables AGAIN despite my hate for the food industry, blogging (which I have since stopped doing for the money), hubpages, and now I am happy, at peace, but still struggling to make things work smoothly as I undertake building a new career teaching piano lessons.
I've played classical piano since I was five years old, so teaching beginning students is a breeze. Piano students are an entirely different breed, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! I have never found any work that brings me more joy, that is more fulfilling, that allows me to come home happy and rested, excited for another day of teaching! This, of course, excludes everything I do at home with my own children. I'm talking strictly career-choice, here.
Now, it IS kind of tough, because just starting out I don't have very many students, which makes the money part of it a tiny bit stressful. So I just keep hanging on to God's promises that He will provide, rest in the fact that I know now that I am following His will and give thanks for the opportunity to spread the love of music wherever I can.
However, this doesn't really help with the fact that we are still living on (mostly) and airman's budget. Yikes. That can get tough. We have found ways, here and there, to live a little more simply, and then there are ways to live more cheaply that actually require more up-front money.
Take, for instance, my projects of the next month and my inspiration for this blog post.
I am about to undertake (drum roll)
Homemade deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, and cleaner to replace ALL cleaners that we use in this house (surface, laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, etc.) Now, this is going to require quite a bit of up-front cost unless, you know, you just wanted to bring me a gallon of castile soap and some essential oils in gratitude of my wonderful and inspiring blog. :o) However, the cost over time is going to be PENNIES! Do you hear me? PENNIES!!!
Even cheaper than buying the 97 cent bottle of uber-cheap shampoo from Walmart that DESTROYS your hair (AND you won't be buying from Walmart!!!) you can make your own homemade shampoo with some up-front cost and massive long-term savings.
This: http://www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Shampoo/ is the link I am using, but I'm kind of mashing a few together to get what I want. We love tea tree oil in our house, so I will be using peppermint castile soap and grapeseed oil, which I will purchase from amazon.com and tea tree oil from my local health food store. They, surprisingly, have an even better price than amazon does.
It is so super easy, and so super cheap, and so super healthy for your hair to make your own shampoo, and you don't have to spend time clipping coupons to get a whole bunch of chemicals that are doing damage to your scalp for a few cents cheaper than retail price. Save MORE money, and have BETTER hair with a little more upfront cost, and a few minutes of your time.
Second project: homemade deodorant.
This http://littlehouseinthesuburbs.com/2009/03/quick-stick-deodorant.html is the link I will use, and I imagine it will be cheaper, but a little messier and probably a bit more time consuming than the shampoo. I like stick deodorant. I don't want to sprinkle my armpits with powder, and I already rub coconut oil in my pits to help with my body odor. What can I say? It's in my genes, aggravated by the intense workouts I do. So what. ;)
So, I have an almost empty stick of herbal deodorant in my drawer, which costs me about $4 even at the commissary. Making my own, again, PENNIES!!! And maybe...what...a half hour of my time? Totally worth it!
Which brings me to my third and final project for this month: toothpaste.
I HATE HATE HATE having to shell out big bucks for natural toothpaste when most of us have the two most effective teeth-cleaning ingredients right in our own cupboards: baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I will probably try adding a smidge of xanthan gum to get a nice consistency, and some cinnamon and peppermint essential oils for flavor and nice, fresh breath. Once again, no chemicals, pennies to make it, but my problem is...what the heck do I put it in??? I want something squeezable, 'cuz I'm weird like that. Maybe some leftover, rinsed out glue containers? I don't know. Someone help me out with this one.
So, my local readers, if any of you would like to watch me and see how all these experiments work for me, and if you want to try it yourself - maybe for an adventure, maybe to save a little money, let me know! We can have a fun project day and save some money, and treat ourselves better while we're doing it!

Much love to you all, and may the grace and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be in and upon you as you consciously live in this world and not of it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What to do?

You know, it seems that this whole "stay-at-home-mom" thing sure has it's ups and downs. For example, I have so much to do, I don't even know where to begin........so I don't. Instead I log onto Facebook or ChaCha and post randomness or answer other people's questions, because I can't get my own brain organized enough to attempt half of mine.
 I need to get an actual lesson plan down on paper so I can see it, how it fits in with everything else in my day, if it is well-rounded and in a style that meets Mercedes' needs. I know preschool isn't really that big of a deal; she's  already soaking up so much information on her own I barely need to do anything. But I don't want her quick mind to be left alone to it's own vices and raise an uncontrollable, selfish, devious little imp that used to be a sweet, loving child.
 Reading has gone fantastically so far. There are the days when she slumps in my lap and insists that she doesn't know the sound, "m," when it's the very first one we learned and not easily confused with any of the other sounds. But, I get through it and whether or not I get through it patiently is entirely dependent on myself, though I try to blame it on something. . . anything . . .else. Hopefully those times I reach the end of my patience rope don't scare her away from academics too much.
 She seems to be absolutely soaking up simple science concepts like: what does a plant need to survive? Color the things we can smell. What items to we wear in the summer? How about in the winter?
 She asks me everyday, now, if we can make more valentines. I think it's the pretty lace, glitter, and hearts that have her more excited than actually completing a project. haha
 How do you reign in, or channel, the energy of a quick-witted four-year old, obsessed with princesses, high heels, jewelry, crowns, etc. and to a positive outcome?
 I'm sure all things will come in time, and there's soooo many facets of learning and teaching with a four-year old I almost can't keep up with all of it.

 My one and a half year old is barely saying anything at all, and Mercedes was carrying on almost full conversations at that age. I think my official conclusion is that Mercedes is talking so much that Cashlynn finds absolutely no need to. They seem to communicate just fine, even if it is with screaming and physical force. haha
 But, seriously, I don't think there has been a single moment when I've grown concerned or worried about Cashlynn's verbal skills. She's doing more puzzles, now, than Mercedes was a  year ago. Children develop so differently and are skilled in so many different areas, I've never understood the mom's who freak out because their child can't throw a ball, but will sit and have a conversation with her while the other one only grunts his requests. Or why the mother of the physically skilled child worries he will grow up dumb. Who cares? He'll probably get a full-ride scholarship for some sport and be perfectly happy doing what he loves? HE doesn't care who Einstein is, and that conversational little boy who is king of the debate team and perfectly happy playing chess with his best friend doesn't care who Michael Jordan is.
 IMO, if our children grow up learning to love and respect each other, the rest of humanity, and take care of their environment without esteeming IT over themselves and their fellow human being, we've done alright as parents. After all, the most important commands Jesus gave us were, "Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength." And even if you don't believe there is a God, the second most important is worth daily practice in all our lives. "Love each other even as you love yourself."
 This is the most important lesson. . . and the hardest. . . that I am trying to teach my children everyday.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whoo! Man, have we been busy!

 I don't even remember everything that has happened since my last post, so I'll just kind of fill in some details about why I haven't been posting and move on from there.

 Austin got home from training on Dec. 17 and as soon as he got home we started packing and cleaning and getting everything in order for our drive to Eglin AFB, FL. YAY! Of course, there was Christmas with my family in there which was an absolute ball. I think I've finally crossed that line of wanting presents and wanting to just see my kids open theirs. Of course, the lovely pearl earrings Austin got me didn't hurt either. ;)
 We left Washington on January 1st. Happy New Year to us! Hooray! We stopped in California for a day to see Austin's family and celebrate our niece's 1st birthday. It was so cute. My sis-in-law, Crystal, made the cake and a friend of hers drew up some decorations. It was all Dr. Seuss themed, and I absolutely love Dr. Seuss. The cake was the hate of the infamous Cat in the Hat and it was absolutely adorable, and delicious.
 Then from Cali we drove through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and finally Florida. It seemed like it took forever, but then just a couple days ago I was talking to a guy who drove here all the way from Alaska! OMG! That is one drive that would probably make me go clinically insane. Washington to here has me halfway there already. haha
 So, of course, on the way here we had to eat out for almost every single meal, and I gained so much weight from the holidays and the trip....ugh. Fatty mcFat Pants, reporting. So I've been busting my own butt trying to get back in shape for the last couple weeks, now. It's not easy when Austin brings home beer, or if I really get the itch to bake cookies and stuff like that. I have been doing really well at only eating starchy carbs after resistance workouts, and keeping my meals starch-carb free at all other times. I just know if I actually made cookies I probably wouldn't be able to resist them. I have no self-control when it comes to desserts. haha
 I've had a few "down" moments where I look at myself in the mirror and see my saggy belly skin and stretch marks and groan inwardly that I'll never be on of those "hot" moms, but then I remind myself that I've really only been being strict with myself and really pushing hard and eating well for a couple weeks. I don't think I've been doing that since the beginning of October, so I get what I get, ya know?
 And, of course, when I get in those "down" moods I start researching ways to lose weight faster and find all sorts of weird diets and pills and blah, blah, blah. But even the natural ones pretty much say the same thing or have the same ingredients with a few variations.
 Here's the breakdown:

1. You've GOT to watch your diet
 a. Low-carb for those wanting to shed fat
 b. Divide your weight in half and that's how many grams of protein you should be eating, daily.
 d. Eat healthy fats: mostly coconut oil and fatty whole foods like avocados, and also small amounts of olive oil and butter.
 e. Eat foods that boost your metabolism and are "cleansing." I.e. ginger, cayenne, lemon, fresh parsley, greens, etc.
 f. Do quarterly cleansings - colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney
 g. Supplement with natural, whole food supplements for optimal health

2. Exercise!
 a. HIIT is best for shedding fat
 b. Don't ignore resistance training - EVEN WOMEN
 c. Warm up, cool down, and stretch
 d. Body weight is highly effective

 So all these people advertising their diets and programs as "one of a kind" and "do MY program for the BEST results" are really just people trying to put a new spin on common sense. The TRULY one-of-a-kind diet I've found is the hcg diet. Most people I've known that have tried it said it worked wonders for them. My mother is living proof. After years of wanting to shed excess fat and eating a healthy diet and working out like a mad woman, she finally found a way to get rid of her body fat - and she's pre-menopausal! I did it, but I don't think I had enough to lose, at the time, to restrict my calories to 500 a day. Your body is supposed to get the extra nutrients and calories it needs from released fat stores, but didn't have much to draw from. I could probably redo it now and experience fantastic results, but I don't have money and I have no desire to stick a needle in my skin every morning again. Ugh. Unpleasant at best.
 So, for now, I'm going to stick with my healthy eating and workout routines, alternating HIIT, resistance, and probably some www.bodyrock.tv thrown in every few days or so.
 I can't get enough of that site! Freddy and Zuzanna are so inspiring and her body is great. It just MAKES me want to work out if I could even come close to what she looks like I would be ecstatic! They just took a trip to Seychelles and updated their blog with workouts on the beach, etc. I can't wait for the weather to start warming up, here so I can start working out at the beach. WOO HOO!!! Then jump in the ocean for a swim!
 Of course, I'll have the girls with me most of the time, so I've gotta figure out how to keep them safe WHILE working out. They usually like to try to copy me, so I shouldn't have any trouble.

 One thing I wanted to talk about a little bit before I get going for the day:

 We really need to focus on little things in life and be thankful for even the small blessings. I've been able to write this is peace and quiet with classical music playing on my Pandora because Mercedes and Cashlynn have decided to take a nap together this afternoon. I'm alone. And I'm relaxed because I don't have any laundry to do, the house is clean, there are a few dishes in the sink, but nothing to worry about, and I know what I'm making for dinner tonight. Plus, bills are paid, I've been absolutely saturating myself in time with God - Mercedes has been a real encouragement to talk to Him like he is in the room, like I would to a friend, writing in my journal, researching my hobbies on the internet, and it really just seems like I've got a huge smile resting on my life, straight from the face of God. I know, it's a weird analogy, but that's what it feels like. I am so thankful for this time so I can gear up for the next challenge and fight the fight with a JOYFUL heart, because I know that no matter what I face, in the end God has the victory, even if it seems like I fail. I know hard times will come again, and there are issues in my life that haven't reached a resolution, yet, but God is timeless - which means He has the victory NOW - which means I can rejoice in the victory EVERY DAY even when it seems like I'm losing the fight. I've got to remember to take my eyes of myself and place them on the Lord and draw close to Him and He will draw near to me. I don't always feel close, I don't always feel happy, I don't always feel exceptionally "holy," but there are countless verses to build up my spirit, and yours, when we reach places like that in our life. Just because we don't "feel" it doesn't mean the the blood of Jesus has suddenly stopped working. We're still covered, we're still redeemed, we're still loved, and maybe we just need to step back into the flow. I know that seems very vague. "How do you 'step into the flow'?"
 I would say just read the words that Jesus spoke, especially to his disciples and when he was teaching the masses. He is so loving, and if we can remember that we are his friends, that really makes such a huge difference.
 Another thing that makes a big difference is really making him LORD of your life. If we didn't have all the societal norms and rules and political correctness or incorrectness and all these outside influences telling us what is right and wrong, what would we have left? The guidance of the Holy Spirit and our own conscience. That's IT! So I've really started trying to listen to those two things only, and obviously my husband since I am called to submit to him, and it has made such a difference in the way I approach life. I pray happily for changes to take place, because I know God wins. I pray in love for the people who have been, or who are unkind to me. It's just a crazy difference when you get rid of all the garbage and really listen to the Spirit.
 Anyway....I'm going to start rambling in a second if I don't stop now. Just a few things to think about, and hopefully it won't take me months to post again.
 'Til next time!

Friday, October 1, 2010

A random update written from an exhausted mind

 Well, the hcg diet was a complete failure for me. I was always hungry and it seemed to actually make my food cravings worse. I already have a hard time controlling my cravings, especially for sugar, but while I was on the diet I felt like an animal. Anything carby or sugary I had to put in my mouth. Now that I'm done with it and back to eating wonderful, wholesome food, I feel absolutely amazing and I've been steadily dropping weight.
 I didn't know what to blame it on, but tonight, one year and four months after giving birth to my second child, I finally started my cycle. Sorry if that's too graphic, but it's a fact of life. Get over it. I think that was probably the major downfall, and since I don't plan on ever being a weight where a diet like that is necessary I will never try it again. Everyone else I know that has tried it has had wonderful success, but for some reason I just couldn't do it. I'm ok with that. I prefer eating mounds of healthy food and working out until my vision goes blurry.
 Ok......so maybe my vision has never gone blurry except for maybe standing up too quickly. But still, I LOVE working out. HARD.  So I have been.
 This morning for breakfast I made coconut flour pancakes. DELISH! And so healthy. All they were was coconut flour, eggs, coconut milk, vanilla, baking soda, and then butter and a tiny bit of maple syrup for topping. My kids gobbled them down and they were so wonderfully fluffy and flavorful. I can't wait to try a chocolate cake with it, but that is going to have to wait until a few more pounds down the road.
 I've got thirteen days before I go see my husband in Wichita Falls, and I am going to work my booty off to look the absolute best I can when I get down there. If I could be into a size seven by the time I step on the plane I would be absolutely ecstatic. If not, oh well. I tried.
 So, I'm not going to post the links to the workouts I've been doing because I bought Mark Lauren's book, "You Are Your Own Gym," and it has been absolutely wonderful. I still check out www.bodyrock.tv every once in a while, though, 'cuz she definitely adds some twists and really kicks it into high gear. She is such a great inspiration.
 Well, this has all been quite random and I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed. Hopefully next post will actually have a point to it. Goodnight everyone.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sugaring...and a new realization

So tonight I'm trying sugaring 'cuz I just don't want to shell out $50 bucks every time I want to get waxed. Plus, it hurts like a sunuvagun and it's awkward having someone...you know...down there. So, cheaper, less painful, more private, and it's supposed to last longer than waxing. So I'm giving it a try.
 Here's the link to the video I used to make it.
I burned my first batch, so I've got my second one cooking right now. Hopefully I don't get too distracted and burn this one, too.
  Well, it's definitely not over done. I just tested it on my arm and it's not coming off like it's supposed to. I've read a lot of thing that say it's supposed to be great on legs but more painful (though not as much as waxing) on underarms and bikini area. I suppose it'll probably take a little bit of practice to get my bikini area since I'm doing this on my own. That's the area I'm testing tonight because I just shaved my legs and underarms this morning.
 But can you imagine the jubilation if this actually works?! OMG! Not having to shave anything for SIX WHOLE WEEKS! This is gonna be great.............................................................please work.

 And my new realization. I'm a beauty junkie. I never wanted to admit it 'cuz I didn't want to be one of "those girls." You know, the ones who have to go to the bathroom every ten minutes to check if they have on enough lip gloss or carry a straightener around in their purse for fly aways. Nuh uh. No thank you. Then I realized, if I do things effectively enough, I won't HAVE to take all those breaks and constantly be worried about how I look. What if I trained my hair to not hate me? What if I didn't have to be worried about not having time to shave my legs the day of the pool party? What if I took care of myself and didn't have to worry about which face wash is better for acne just because my body isn't full of acne-producing toxins?
 I've got the hair and skin under control, so here's to my new venture on sugaring. I'll let you all know how it goes. Obviously, there will be no pictures of this test run. ;)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I know I already posted once, today, but this day deserves a special post.

 Thank you, Lord, for protecting us. Thank you that no matter what happens, the real victory is yours. Thank you for the faithful men and women who have stood by our country through everything. Keep us mindful of what really matters. We, your children, always need to remember that it is a spiritual battle. It's not about politics or religion. It's a battle between love and hate. Help us to always show your true heart through all the deception of the enemy.
 Give special comfort and encouragement to everyone who lost a loved one on 9/11/01. Protect our military and bless our country. Amen.

New challenge needs a new diet

So....I approached this whole hcg diet thing with much skepticism and dubiousness - I hope that's a word - but I have decided that I've worked my butt off, quite literally, and eaten healthy for years, now, and I still have fat deposits all over my body that I want to get rid of. I can't stand almost being in a size seven and still having enormous love handles, a prominent "mommy tummy" as I like to call it, and saggy butt cheeks covering all the nice muscle tone that I've built up. I've tried a lot of different things, nothing harmful, nothing "weird," so I decided to go ahead and try this out.
 My mom has lost a TON on this and I'm not just talking about weight. TWELVE, yes, TWELVE inches off her abs. WOWOW!!! She's lost inches everywhere, but that's my problem area, so that's the information I retained. :)
 Anyway, I have always said I will not discount anything until I've read all the information on it. I'm not one of those people to simply pass off an idea just because of the way it looks or sounds. Ya know, don't judge a book by it's cover.

.............Ok. So I was interrupted, had to go to work, spent the night at my mom's house so here I am back at home, continuing this post and loading. Gross. (mmm...potato chip)
 I don't remember the last time I have eaten so much food at one time. (mmm...donut) According to the way the diet goes, it makes sense, but it makes me so uncomfortable to be eating this type of food and so much of it. I was embarrassed to even buy this crap. (mmm...cheese) Twinkies, coconut cream pie, cookies and peanut butter, pork chops, frozen pizzas, buffalo wings, candy bars, anything with high fat content. (mmm...donut) I am so grossed out right now, but my mom has done this three times already and she's had nothing but success so I figure it can't hurt to try, right? (mmm...cheese)
 I took the shot this morning. I couldn't even feel it. I felt it more afterward, but it didn't really hurt.(mmm...chips and cheese) Just kind of a feeling of being uncomfortable in my butt cheek.
 So I've got one more day of "loading" and then it's on to the low-calorie part of the diet and hopefully not too long before I start seeing some real changes in my body composition. (mmm...donut)
 I can't even really think right now. My body is so concentrated on dealing with this huge influx of food. So I will update all of you when I start to feel normal again.